The tally? Ninety-seven arrests. (96 were for drug possession.) And the array of stuff seized?
During the festival, police seized 26.1 grams of heroin, 2.16 grams of cocaine, 5.7 grams of hashish, 236.67 grams of marijuana, 225 ecstasy pills and another 8.82 grams of ecstasy, two LSD tabs, 73.55 grams of amphetamines, and 1.1 grams of speed.Can someone explain all the heroin to me? Do people still do heroin? At a music festival?
EXIT was also Björk-less, apparently because of her stand on independence for Kosovo. The Sex Pistols, however, did turn up.
Photo of the main dance stage at the EXIT Festival in 2006 by Flickr user belkus used under a Creative Commons license.
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