I hesitate to bring it up again, but the whole damn game might as well have been played in the Kaisergruft rather than in Ernst Happel Stadion. (Paging Joseph Roth! Paging Robert Musil!)
What would Ullrich have made of this game? "Ullrich was a man forced somehow to live against himself, though outwardly he appeared to be indulging his inclinations without restraint."
The official account from UEFA on the ejections of the coaches was even more impenetrable than Musil's prose in translation. And we must bemoan the fact that Ivica Vastic was left on the bench. Warum?
Both hosts out. The Czechs out. Balkans via Bohemia must root for the only two remaining teams from its titular regions to advance: Romania and Croatia.
What's left in qualifying explained very clearly here.
Trix and Flix are sad tonight. They demand to be adopted by Christian Ronaldo.
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